Project titleFundingStart dateEnd datePersons
History of Health Systems in Africa: Swiss mission hospitals and rural health delivery in the 20th centurySNF01.10.200831.12.2011
South African cropland dust emission risks: physical thresholds, environmental and socio-economic impactsSNF01.02.201731.01.2012Nikolaus Kuhn
Life history and biogeography: a comparative evolutionary study of the terrestrialization of African amphibiansSNF01.01.201121.01.2014Paul Simon Loader
Empires of the Visual - public visual economies in Southern Africa and the genesis of African modernitiesMarie Curie Actions01.07.201130.06.2014
African Amphibians06.01.201206.01.2015Simoon Paul Loader
Cameroon Photo Press Archives. Protection, conservation, accessBundesamt für Kultur, Endangered Archives Programme EAP15.02.201315.02.2015Jürg Schneider, Rosario Mazuela, Guy Thomas
Corruption, Conflict and CitiesSNF01.04.201131.03.2015
Communal land reform in Namibia - Implications of Individualisation of land tenure SNF01.11.201231.10.2015Nikolaus Kuhn, Lena Bloemertz
Deforestation and land degradation in north eastern Namibia01.08.201331.07.2016Nikolaus Kuhn
The ethics of doing research in developing countries01.09.201331.08.2016Berenice Simone Elger
Construire son AvenirSNF01.01.201231.01.2017Elisio Macamo, Noemi Steuer, Michelle Engeler, Maike Birzle, Susanne Ludwig
A comparative Interpretation of Peoples’ Movements: Actors, Democratic Imagination and Evolving Consciousness in India and South Africa01.09.201131.01.2017Till Förster, 
The role of ecological opportunity and phenotypic plasticity in adaptive divergence in East African cichlid fishesSNF01.10.201430.09.2017Walter Salzburg
Longing for the FutureSNF (Agora)01.01.201431.12.2017Michelle Engeler, Noemi Steuer
Massengewalt im Gebiet der Großen Seen. Über den Zusammenhang von kollektiver Gewalt und paramilitärischen Organisationsstrukturen am Beispiel ugandischer und kongolesischer bewaffneter GruppenSNF01.01.201431.12.2017Axel Paul, Rahel Siegrist, Anne Härtel