Hill, Robin | Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Mission 21 | PRA 2018 003 |
Nadja, Gepperth | Research on the Global South | PRA 2018 002 |
Schwarzer, Johanna | Zukunft durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Eine Erfolgsstory aus Simbabwe. Zwei Gastreferenten aus dem Poret Projekt zu Besuch in der Schweiz | PRA 2018 001 |
Danielle, Isler | ECAS 2017 in Basel- The best ECAS of all time? | PRA 2017 013 |
Selina, Lüthi | pbi-making space for peace | PRA 2017 012 |
Ramata, Musa | Practical Experience Work Report at the Houston Museum of African American Culture | PRA 2017 011 |
Lena, Wunderlin | Solar Association Tiloo - Co-Managing an NGO | PRA 2017 010 |
Tebuho Winnie, Kanyimba | Internship report: ECAS Film Sessions | PRA 2017 009 |
Luisa, Cardenas | Internship Report ECAS | PRA 2017 008 |
Mbaraka, Matitu | Internship Report (Marche to July 2017) at Center for African Studies | PRA 2017 007 |
Nestor, Zante | De l'élaboration des archives et de l'évaluation interne ECAS 2017 | PRA 2017 006 |
Mahsun, Oti | Internship Report: 7th European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 005 |
Gene Anthony, Stewart | A Report in Interning for the European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 004 |
Eva Sophie, Sidler | Praktikum als Teamleiterin an der 7. European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 003 |
Patricia, Kuhn | Basler Afrikabibliographien (BAB) | PRA 2017 002 |
Nicole Bolliger | Women's Microfinance Intitiative in Uganda | PRA 2017 001 |
Emmanuel Arkoh, Fordjour | Migranten helfen Migranten | PRA 2016 002 |
Merel, van Zelderen | AfricanWise as connector, supporter, partner, mediator and chnager for cooperation between Africa and Europe | PRA 2016 001 |
Bioh, Prince | Mission of Hope International Foundation, Sunyani, Ghana | PRA 2015 003 |
Weber, Angelika | Zwei Gesundheitszentren in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo | PRA 2015 002 |
Lusito, Agnes | Radio X Basel | PRA 2015 001 |
Isaac, Adjei | A Report on Summer Internship with tropenbos International Ghana | PRA 2014 006 |
Chansa, Jennifer | Documenting Career Trajectories in Southern Africa | PRA 2014 005 |
Tabiri, Gordon | Monitoring of Prevalence of Malaria Parasitemia in the Obuasi Municipality after seven Years of Indoor Residual Spraying | PRA 2014 004 |
van Leeuwen, Caro | Research Assistance for „Evidence for Action“ in Ghana | PRA 2014 003 |
Schaefer, Elaine | AGRA Watch: Monitoring Grand Money to Ensure Effective Use of Funds Supporting Agricultural Practices in Africa | PRA 2014 002 |
Cabantac, Myra Mae | Project and Development Verein Kinder in Kenia | PRA 2014 001 |
Krucker, Jeanine | Internship Report: CAWODISA (Children and Wives of Disabled Soldier’s Association) | PRA 2013 004 |
Abukar Mursal, Faduma | Assisting Research at Centre de Documentation et d’Etudes Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales (CEDEJ) | PRA 2013 003 |
Geuder, Jakob | Report on the making of a cultural project in Bamako, KaYelema | PRA 2013 002 |
Müller, Nina | Stiftung Kinderdirekthilfe Kolumbien | PRA 2013 001 |
Adisa David Oladimeji | Yoruba Gelede Mask Collection of Musuem der Kulturen Basel | PRA 2012 003 |
Zumthurm, Tizian | Mitarbeit an einem akademischen Forschungsprojekt zur historischen Klimaforschung im südlichen Afrika | PRA 2012 002 |
Franz, Tobias | Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) | PRA 2012 001 |
Grogan, Patrick Meredith | Cataloguing the Katesa Schlosser „Herero“ collection at the BAB | PRA 2011 007 |
Buttà, Chiara | Ethiopian Vibration. Cultural Store | PRA 2011 006 |
Bischoff, Helina | Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika (FEPA): Social standards in the production of fruit an wine in South Africa. Opportunities for Advocacy work amongst Swiss Retailers. | PRA 2011 005 |
Julien, Nora | Femina Health Information Project Dar es Salaam | PRA 2011 004 |
Taube, Dorothea | Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum Berlin | PRA 2011 003 |
Küng, Myriam | Projet de recherche sur les stratégies rhétoriques de la campagne anti-minarets en Suisse | PRA 2011 002 |
Lortie, Leona | Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut | PRA 2011 001 |
Schelling, Anna | Growth Integrated Development Programmes, Ghana | PRA 2010 010 |
Kley-Gomez, Chantelle | An Anthropologist at Work: Classifying the poetic writing of Edward Sapir, Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead | PRA 2010 009 |
Ghebreghiorghis, Tesfalem | A Report of an Internship with SOS Rassismus Deutschschweiz | PRA 2010 008 |
Ismaila, Yakubu | NGOs as Agents of Change in Health Development: The Agogo Presbyterian PHC Unit and CBS Volunteers | PRA 2010 007 |
Chantal Wullimann | Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Project: TAPAS-Internship Report | PRA 2010 006 |
Hakizimana, Joël | Working for UNESCO | PRA 2010 005 |
Howell, Brian | Richland Community College Department of Humanities and Fine Arts | PRA 2010 004 |
Bonenberger, Marc | Unterernährung auf Sansibar | PRA 2010 003 |
Ammann, Carole | Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Westafrika | PRA 2010 002 |
Bishop, Stephanie | Internship Report: Centre for African Studies | PRA 2010 001 |
Grolimund, Andrea | Praktikum beim Schweizerischen Tropeninstitut Basel | PRA 2009 005 |
Viczián, Andrea | Young Learners Discovering the World; One Laptop per Child | PRA 2009 004 |
Chan, Judith | The International Organization of Migration; Nairobi Mission with Regional Functions | PRA 2009 003 |
Obrecht, Martina | Bericht über das berufsbezogene Praktikum bei der Ausländerberatung der GGG | PRA 2009 002 |
Renggli, Francesca | SOS Rassismus Deutschweiz | PRA 2009 001 |
Affentranger, Lukas | Practical at Solidarmed in Chiure, Mozambique | PRA 2008 003 |
Näf-Gloor, Sandra | Wissensmanagement in der Schweizer Aussenpolitik | PRA 2008 002 |
Abdel-Ati, Ibrahim | Internship at the United Nations Headquarters – New York | PRA 2008 001 |
Fenner, Sarah | SOS Rassismus Deutschweiz | PRA 2007 003 |
Saxer, Nadine | Praktikum beim ugandischen Roten Kreuz | PRA 2007 002 |
Gastrow, Claudia | European Students Africa Conference 2007 | PRA 2007 001 |
Kyburz, Sonja; Nyffenegger, Manuela; Weber, Cyrilla | „Aus Hingabe an die Meinen tue ich alles“ | PRA 2006 002 |
Kyburz, Sonja | Integration Basel | PRA 2006 001 |
Schubert, Jon | Swisspeace-Forschungspraktikum | PRA 2005 003 |
Weber, Cyrilla | IAMANEH Schweiz | PRA 2005 002 |
Brühwiler, Benjamin | Praktikantenanstellung bei der Wochenzeitung African News Digest in Houston, Texas | PRA 2005 001 |
Yéré, Henri-Michel | Dialog und Fest. An Assistant Coordinator Speaks, Internship Report on the Organisation of the ABSA 2004 Festival | PRA 2004 004 |
Neugebauer, Inge | Aktionsgemeinschaft solidarische Welt e.V. Berlin | PRA 2004 003 |
Czendlik, Daria | Report on Internship with Masiye Camp and REPSSI in Zimbabwe | PRA 2004 002 |
Pulver, Jeanne | Strindberg in Ougadougou. Bericht des Forschungspraktikums und des Kulturaustauschprojektes „Deux pays en échange“ | PRA 2004 001 |