Nelson Casimiro Zavale
ESKAS/FCS Fellow (09.09.2015-09.09.2016)

Nelson Casimiro Zavale is an Assistant Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique) and from September 2015 to September 2016 Post-Doctoral Fellow (ESKAS) at the Center for African Studies. After undergraduate studies (2002-2006) at Eduardo Mondlane University, he obtained a MA degree in Social Sciences, specialization in Education, in 2008, from the Aix-Marseille University in France and, in 2012, a PhD in Education (Sociology of Education) from the same university. Since 2009, he has been lecturing at Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), where he is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology of Education and Higher Education Studies and a member of the Central Quality Assurance Unit. In Mozambique, besides teaching undergraduates programs, he is also involved in the teaching, supervising and coordination of the Master program in Higher Education Studies and Development, run in collaboration with the University of Oslo (Norway). He is also the Executive Director of the Centre for Higher Education and Development in Mozambique, a private research centre established to undertake research in Higher education and Development. He has undertaken a number of consultancies and commissioned research on education, higher education and related issues, for Ministries charged of Higher Education, Science and Technology in Mozambique.
His research interests are concerned with understanding and questioning the relationship between education and development, with particular focus on higher education, curriculum and knowledge. His current research evolves in three axes: (i) understanding the contribution of higher education to development in Africa, particularly in Mozambique; on this axis, he is currently undertaking, among other projects, a research on university-industry linkages in Mozambique; (ii) understanding the policies and practices of Quality Assurance in higher education in Africa, with particular focus on Mozambique; (iii) understanding the way surrounding conditions influence the nature of knowledge, with particular focus to educational knowledge in Mozambique.
- Zavale, N.C.; Santos, Luísa A.; Manuel, Lourenço; Dias, Maria da Conceição L.; Khan, Maida A., Tostão, Emílio; Mondjana, Ana M. (2016). Decision-making in African universities demands rigorous data: Evidence from graduation rates at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier, Vol. 52, 122–134.
- Langa, P.V. and Zavale, N.C. (Eds.) (2016, in press). Introduction to Higher Education Studies, UEM University Press (original in Portuguese). Co-editor and author of four chapters, e.g. “Historical evolution of higher education: an overview”, “Higher Education and Development: a brief and critical introduction”. “Common Problems of Research Problem formulation and Literature Review among MESD’s students”.
- Langa, P.V. (Coord.), Macia, M., Manuel, S. Zavale, N.C. Mabasso, Q. (2016, in press). Homo academics corrupts: a study on academic integrity and functioning of academic and management boards of the Eduardo Mondlane University, from students’ perspective, Academic integrity under question and data analysis, Vol I. Maputo: UEM University Press (original in Portuguese).
- Zavale, N.C. Macamo, E. (2016). How and what knowledge do universities and academics transfer to industry in African low-income countries? Evidence from the stage of university-industry linkages in Mozambique, International Journal of Educational Development, Elsevier, Vol. 49, 247-261.
- Langa, P.V. and Zavale, N.C. (in press). Using websites as branding to gain competitive advantage in Higher Education: the Mozambican case. Palgrave-Macmillan.
- Zavale, N.C. (in press). Diagnosis of training needs assessment of teachers in service at Pre-University Professional Agricultural Institutes in Mozambique. Eduardo Mondlane University’s Scientific Journal-Education Series.
- Zavale, N.C. Santos, L. and Dias, C. (2015). Main features and challenges of implementing an Internal Quality Assurance within African higher education institutions: the case of the Eduardo Mondlane University, in Mozambique. International Journal of African Higher Education, (University of Kwazulu-Natal-South Africa and Boston College Center for International Higher Education-USA) 2 (1): 100-134.
- Langa, P.V. and Zavale, N.C. (2015). Private higher education in Mozambique: an overview of a growing subsystem. Working Papers in Higher Education Studies 1, (2): 89-109.
- Zavale, N.C. (2013). Using Michael Young’s work on curriculum studies to examine the effects of neo-liberalism on curriculums in Mozambique, Policy Futures in Education, Sage, 11 (5): 621-635.
- Zavale, N.C. (2013). Le néolibéralisme et l’éducation: vers l’émergence de l’approche par compétence sur les curriculums scolaires au Mozambique? Saarbrücken: Presses Académiques Francophones.
Commissioned research/technical reports
- Langa, P.V. and Zavale, N.C. (2016, in press). Mozambican 2011 Graduate’s tracer study and employers’ opinion survey. Maputo: Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development (Mozambique), Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies-CHEPS (University of Twente, Netherlands) and the Ministry of Education (Mozambique).
- Novela, B. B., Mutimucuio, I., Zavale, N.C., (2016). Evaluation of the model of primary teachers and adult educators’ training. A report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Human Development to CEMOQUE Company, Mozambique (original in Portuguese).
- Langa, P.V. (Coord.), Zavale, N.C. Nicolau, Q. C., Ferreira, T. K., Langa, D. J. (2015). Evaluation of the economic impact of the projects funded by the FNI 2006-2013. A report commissioned by the National Research Fund, Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Professional Training, Mozambique.
- Santos, L.; Zavale, N.C.; Dias, C. et al. (2014). Report on the first experience of self-assessment of undergraduate academic programs at UEM Maputo: UEM University Press: (original in Portuguese).
- Zavale, N.C. (2014). Report on generic and specific skills, demanded by the labour Market, to graduates of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering. Research commissioned by the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University (original in Portuguese).
- Zavale, N.C. (2014). Report on knowledge gaps of 1st year and 2nd year undergraduate students from the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering. Eduardo Mondlane University. Research commissioned by the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University (original in Portuguese).
- Centre for Higher Education and Development (2013). Elaboration of Legal Status for Academics in Mozambique. A status proposal commissioned by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and funded by the World Bank (Acting as Executive Director).