14 Dec 2023 - 31 May 2024

ZASB Foyer, Rheinsprung 21, Basel

Public event, Exhibition / Opening

Exhibition: "Barbed(wire): tool of oppression, tool of protection"

Photo and poster exhibition at the Centre for African Studies Basel


The photo and poster exhibition "Barbed(wire): tool of oppression tool of protection" is the result of the seminar "Desire Lines - Lines of Control" offered in the autumn semester 2023. Students produced visual summaries of their semester-long engagement with the political and cultural history of fencing and its particular manifestations in the former settler colonies in South Africa and Namibia. The posters on display are condensed visual reflections on an ongoing painful history of preventing and controlling the movement of people and animals that began with the invention of barbed wire in the late 19th century and its rapid spread across the subcontinent soon after.

Part of the seminar "Desire Lines - Lines of Control: A political and cultural history of fencing" (69460-01).

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