
22 Sep 2023 - 20 Oct 2023

Rheinsprung 21, Basel, Foyer

Public event, Exhibition / Opening

Exhibition: "Black Curls and Their Stories Behind Them"

A photo exhibition at the Centre for African Studies in the framework of the program "Deal with it - African Heritage in Basel"

Exhibition Black Curls

"Black Curls and Their Stories Behind Them," represents Black people as self-empowered individuals of their Black identity and hair. The photo project goals are to eliminate stereotypes, to show Black people in their individuality, and to encourage visibility for Black realities. The photo project seeks to give answers to the following questions: Where do we come from? Where are we going and where are we currently with biographies of Black people in Germany and Switzerland? It is also about the connection between community care, vulnerability and being Black in white supremacist society.

Lead: Louise Brisante Mbakop Ngontchio

Photographer: Paul Ndimande

Free entrance, no prior egistration required

Open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm

Vernissage: Friday 22 September 2023, 7pm

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