
23 Nov 2018 - 24 Nov 2018


Continuing Education

Business, Conflict & Peacebuilding

Continued education module offered by swisspeace

How can enterprises operate responsibly in fragile and conflict-affected areas? The course explores this question from various angles by examining the opportunities and limitations of current international standards geared towards promoting responsible business and Human Rights, and introduces ‘conflict-sensitivity’ as a vital approach to business in volatile areas.

In this course participants will...

  • get an understanding of the various impacts companies may have in conflict-affected or fragile contexts
  • become familiar with relevant regulations and initiatives in the area of business & Human Rights
  • reflect critically on the limitations of traditional Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights approaches to address conflict issues
  • learn about conflict-sensitive practices that help businesses to transform conflict situations
  • better understand the perspectives of state actors, business and civil society organizations in conflict contexts. 

The Business, Conflict & Peacebuilding Course is designed for practitioners and academics interested in complementing their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge. It will support professionals from business, civil society and government involved in promoting responsible business in fragile and conflict-affected areas.

Participants will meet for two days in Basel where they will be trained by means of expert inputs, peer exchange, case studies, exercises, skills training and they receive an extensive reading list. The course is an ideal preparation for and complement to the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights taking place in Geneva on 26-28 November.

Application deadline: 30 September 2018

Location: Basel, Switzerland

Tuition fee: 950 CHF

Further information and application:swisspeace

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