
09 May 2019
18:30  - 20:00

Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Bar VERSO | Petersplatz 1, Basel

Café international

organized by the language center & international office

Exchange about personal experiences of intercultural challenges

The Language Center and the International Office of the University of Basel invite all international Master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, visiting researchers and employees from the University of Basel to our second spring semester event, a panel and audience discussion on: “Working and/or studying in intercultural settings: From challenge to crisis? And back again!”

What to expect:

Underlying intercultural factors can themselves generate trying situations or they can further complicate existing challenges.

This Café international aims to:

  • Illustrate how intercultural awareness and appropriate measures can enhance solutions
  • Present institutions at the University that offer support in challenging situations.


  • MIND-MAP (Student association focusing on mental wellbeing)
  • Centre for Developmental and Personality Psychology (ZEPP)
  • Training and Development (POE)
  • Student Advice Center (Studienberatung)

Extend the experience

A small Apéro and time to informally mix and mingle follow the discussion. You can further extend your evening with live music hosted by the Bar Verso team.

A registration is required for organizational reasons. Please register by Sunday, 5 May 2019, via this link 


Further information: Café international

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