
15 Nov 2018 - 17 Nov 2018

University of Geneva

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Conference: Civil Wars and State Formation - Africa in Comparative Perspective

International conference convened by the University of Geneva and the Swiss Society of African Studies

Conference organisers:
Didier Péclard (Unige), Martina Santschi (swisspeace), Jon Schubert (Unige), Stéphanie Perazzone (Unige)

This conference seeks to debate the social construction of order and legitimacy during and after violent conflict. It focuses on political orders put in place by armed groups, their strategies to legitimise their very existence as movements as well as their claim to power, and on the extent to which they strive and manage to institutionalise their military power and transform it into political domination.

Opening Keynote Speech
‘Ordres sociaux et formation de l’Etat dans les situations de guerre civile’
Gilles Dorronsoro | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Keynote Speech
‘Governing the state in the inter-war: violence, law and disorder’
Marielle Debos | Université Paris-Ouest


  • Didier Péclard (Université de Genève)
  • Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden University)
  • Guilain Mathé (Université de Lausanne)
  • Jon Schubert (Brunel University)
  • Gilson Lázaro (Centro de Estudos Africanos, Catholic University of Angola, Luanda)
  • Kasper Hoffmann (Copenhagen University)
  • Nicki Kindersley (Cambridge University)
  • Rebecca Tapscott (the Graduate Institute, Geneva)
  • Leben Moro (University of Juba)
  • Martina Santschi (swisspeace)
  • Camille Popineau (IEP Paris)
  • Koen Vlassenroot (Ghent University)
  • Ousmane Zina (Université Alassane Ouattara)
  • Eric Morier-Genoud (Queen’s University Belfast)


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