
14 Feb 2024
08:45  - 14:30

Room A 022 UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern

Institute of Geography, University of Bern

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Conference: "Sustaining Forests in Agricultural Landscapes of West and Central Africa"

Institute of Geography, University of Bern

The University of Bern invites to an upcoming conference entitled "Sustaining Forests in Agricultural Landscapes of West and Central Africa" on February 14 2024. The conference will discuss emerging findings from the European Research Council-funded project SUSTAINFORESTS and share insights on policy strategies for sustainable livelihoods and forest futures.

The SUSTAINFORESTS project analyses the interactive roles of forest patches in the agricultural landscapes of the rainforest and forest zones in Togo, Benin, Nigeria, and Cameroon. In addition, it investigates the conditions under which various biophysical, socio-cultural, economic, and institutional factors, including decision-making and land users’ behaviour, interact with and affect forest patches and their sustainable use, management, and governance.

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