
07 Feb 2022
17:00  - 18:30


University of Bayreuth

Public event

Coup d’états in West Africa

Online roundtable at Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth

The recent coups d’état in Mali, Guinea and most recently Burkina Faso deserve a reflection on the power dynamics in the respective countries and the broader regional and geopolitical contexts. How has the situation evolved in Mali since May and in Guinea since September 2021, and what are plausible scenarios for Burkina Faso? What are the geopolitical stakes and implications, and how do national and regional populations perceive and react to the military’s take of power? To discuss these and related questions, we would like to invite you to an online roundtable via Zoom where scholars from Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali will share their insights on the current situation with us.

The discussion will be held in French, with simultaneous interpretation in English.

Roundtable participants :

  • Dr. Boniface SOMÉ, Lecturer of Sociology at Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Member of ACC Ouagadougou
  • Prof. Alpha Amadou Bano BARRY, Professor at the Laboratoire d’analyse socio-anthropologique de Guinee (LASAG), Université Général Lansana Conté Sonfonia-Conakry (UGLC SC)
  • Dr. Mohamed AMARA, Sociologist at the Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako, researcher at the Max Weber Center of the University Lyon 2

Organizers and moderators:

  • Dr. Joschka Philipps, University of Bayreuth
  • Dr. Maria Ketzmerick, University of Bayreuth

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