
17 Oct 2023

Stadtkino Basel

Culturescapes Festival 2023

Public event

Discussion and short films: Resilience and Resistance – Life in the occupied Western Sahara

Screening of two short films followed by a public talk

The two short films "Skeikima" and "3 Stolen Cameras" give insights into life in Western Sahara. In “Skeikima," young Saharawis tell how they cultivate their identity, experience repression, pursue their education despite harassment, and become activists. In "3 Stolen Cameras," the video activist group Equipe Media struggles to avoid losing their cameras to Moroccan police while fleeing and protesting. Equipe Media documents human rights violations in the occupied territory and tries to break the information blockade. 

After the screenings, Mohamed Mayara, member of Equipe Media, and Sylvia Valentin, terre des hommes switzerland, will hold a public talk.

Moderation: Judith Huber, journalist SRF 

The films and discussion are in English.

Part of the Culturescapes Festival 2023

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