University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, room 115 | Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel
General Assembly of the Centre for African Studies
The Centre cordially invites you to its General Assembly on 26 February 2019.
The agenda of the meeting features a few important points of discussion. Just before Christmas, on 18 December 2019, the Steering Group (Leitungsgremium) reorganized its lead and now proposes some adjustments to the Regulations of the Centre passed by our General Assembly of 8 June 2018. The agenda also features a briefing on how to ensure a safe learning and working environment at this University. We would be very glad, if you joined us as guests and engaged in the discussion of points that are relevant to you.
Agenda of General Assembly:
- Welcome
- Minutes of the General Assembly of 08 June 2018
- Communications
- Implementation of the new structures for the African Studies Network at the University of Basel
- Varia
The Assembly is followed by a reception. Please take notice of the documents attached.
- Einladung (englisch) (PDF, 128.24 KB)
- Einladung (deutsch) (PDF, 145.42 KB)
- Agenda 26.02.2019 (english) (PDF, 93.26 KB)
- Agenda 26.02.2019 (deutsch) (PDF, 93.51 KB)
- Mitglieder Africa Network (PDF, 68.80 KB)
- Key Areas 2019 (PDF, 80.57 KB)
- General Assembly 2018 (PDF, 113.44 KB)
- Gremienzusammensetzung (PDF, 68.06 KB)
- Mitglieder Africa Network 2019 (PDF, 68.80 KB)
- REGL GO Zentrum Afrikastudien (PDF, 106.94 KB)
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