
28 Sep 2021

Online via Zoom

MIASA - Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa

Lecture series

Jakob Zollmann: Making Loot - Making Restitution: A Short (Legal) History

Public Lecture Series Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa

This lecture will introduce a number of key events and key sources from different historic periods regarding questions of loot and restitution. Was looting seen as a legitimate, lawful part of waging war against other nations or opponents? Was there something problematic for contemporaries of different historic periods in the act of looting and the subsequent act of making use of the objects looted? And when were questions raised about the restitution of looted objects? As we will see, the practice of making restitution is perhaps not as old as the practice of making loot – but almost.

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