
24 Nov 2023

neues Kino, Klybeckstrasse 247, 4057 Basel

neues kino Basel and Culturescapes festival 2023

Public event

Short films: "Resilienz"

Part of the Culturescapes festival 2023

Resilience in Western Sahara is in the focus of this collection of short films. Five short documentaries tell the story of life and struggle of the Saharawis through the eyes of deminers, refugees, farm workers, and activists. Since 1975, most of Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco, and most Saharawis live in refugee camps in Algeria. The Saharawis, represented by the Frente Polisario, demand to hold a referendum on independence promised in 1991.

  • "The Wall. Saharawi Wound" ("Il muro. La ferita del Sahara") by Gilberto Mastromatteo and Fiorella Bondoni
  • "A Garden Means More Than a Garden" by Mario Pfeifer
  • "The Madman of the Desert" by Julieta Cherep
  • "They are just fish" ("Solo son peces") by Paula Iglesias and Ana Serna
  • "I exist" ("Existo") by Mohammed Mhamdi

Part of the Culturescapes festival 2023.

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