Basler Afrika Bibliographien | Klosterberg 23, 4051 Basel
Lunch Talk: Colonial Runaways and Murderers, Microhistory and Biography, Historians and Readers with Nigel Penn (University of Cape Town)
Nigel Penn is Professor at the Department of Historical Studies of theUniversity of Cape Town. His books “Rogues, Rebels and Runaways” and “Murderers, Miscreants and Mutineers” on Cape Colony characters of the 18th and 19th century have attrackted a wide readership and received much praise beyond the academic frame. In conversation with Tanja Hammel (University of Zurich) who recently completed her PhD about the scientist Mary Elizabeth Barber in the Cape Colony, and Dag Henrichsen (BAB) we reflect about topics and issues which go beyond a particular murder and murderer and include questions with regard to historical biographical writing and a wider readership (in southern Africa).
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