
29 Nov 2018
18:15  - 20:00

Basler Afrika Bibliographien | Klosterberg 23, 4051 Basel

Public event, Guest lecture / Talk

Moderated history and politics talk: "Only when Mugabe is leaving we too would go."

Association Switzerland-Zimbabwe

Civil engagement and perspectives after 30 years of the Association Switzerland-Zimbabwe

The Association Switzerland-Zimbabwe is folding up after 30 years. Why? Are principals such as civil solidarity and critical analysis in Switzerland and with regard to southern Africa no longer of interest? Do private transnational initiatives have a better future? Which aims would a new Association in Switzerland and for southern Africa have today?

We invite to a public history and politics talk by members of the Association with a broader public. Contributions, reflections and questions from, amongst others, Michael Aeby (Inclusive Peace), Gertrud Baud (Vereinigung CH-Z & Afrika Komitee), Hafid Derbal (Terre des Hommes), Marcel Dreier (Fepa), Dusty Kohler, (VCH-Z) und Barbara Müller (VCH-Z & Afrika Komitee). Moderation: Dag Henrichsen (BAB).  

PS. We encourage you to bring along any photographs, videos, tapes, posters, stickers and other paraphernalia in connection with your “Third World” activist engagements, to show around, to talk about or to deposit in an archive.

Jointly organised by

  • Afrika Komitee
  • Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB)
  • Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika (Fepa)
  • Vereinigung Schweiz - Zimbabwe (VCH-Z)

When: Thursday, 29. November 2018, 18.15 - 20.00 h, with an Apero. 

Kindly note: Event in German only.

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