
01 Mar 2022

Kollegienhaus, Aula 033 | Petersplatz 50 | 4051 Basel

Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Lecture series

Patricia Purtschert & Claudia Wilopo: A conversation about academia and its colonial entanglements

Lecture Series "Decolonize University! Re-Imagining Theories and Practices of Knowledge Production"

In recent years we have seen new and more efforts and voices speaking out to decolonize academia worldwide. But what does it mean to decolonize the university and higher education? Why is it important and what does it entail? This lecture series brings to the University of Basel these ongoing debates: the call to decolonize the classroom, universities and knowledge production. This means to tackle the violence of colonial legacies that until this very day continue to manifest in the form of racialized, classed and gendered inequalities and violence across our societies, in and outside of academia.

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