
28 Jan 2021
14:00  - 15:30


Palais de Rumine

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Practicing Provenance Research

Webinar Series "Global Provenance. Revisiting Appropriated Heritage in the Light of Inclusive Partnerships?"

Modérateur/Chair: Emmanuel Kasarhérou (Président, Musée du quai Branly Jacques Chirac)

Through a specific corpus of study, the panel participants develop different methodological aspects of provenance research, its purposes, its perimeters and its developments.

  • Provenances et pedigrees : documentation entre marché et musée (Marion Bertin)
  • Methods and Challenges of Conducting Provenance Research on South Asian Art (Najiba Choundhury)
  • Bronzen und Elfenbeinarbeiten aus dem Königtum Benin in Schweizer Museen (Andreas Schlothauer et Audrey Peraldi)
  • Recovering lost messages - Performative objects of African art from the „Ceaușescu” Collection (Horia Iova)
  • Adventures in "Paradise". The collection of Lucas Staehelin and Theo Meier from the Marquesas Islands/French Polynesia at the Museum der Kulturen Basel (Beatrice Voirol)

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