
17 Mar 2022
17:00  - 20:00



Informational event

Presentation of the Master's program African Studies

In the framework of the Info Evening Master of the University of Basel

Ajax Cape Town soccer fans

Ajax Cape Town football fans (Paul Grendon)

Study Africa in order to understand the world! The interdisciplinary Master’s program in African Studies is committed to decentering your perpective. The program draws on the social sciences, humanities and the natural sciences, allowing students to build a specific profile via their choice of thematic modules and to acquire general academic competenices.

The MA African Studies at the Info Evening Master:

  • 5.30 p.m.: Presentation degree program
  • 6.30 p.m.: Presentation degree program

The Zoom meeting will be open continuously until 8 p.m., so questions can still be asked after the presentations.

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