
26 Mar 2019
12:15  - 13:45

Centre for African Studies | Room 00.002, Rheinsprung 21, 4051 Basel

Informational event

Q&A-session for students in African Studies

Joint Counseling Session

Some of you are about to register their MA project and have questions in this regard: do I meet all requirements? How to register? Where to find the forms? &c. Others are not yet at this juncture but have specific questions in terms of planning their next semester(s). Furthermore, you might have questions with regard to the adjustments made in the Study Plan and the General Regulations for the Master programmes at our Faculty.

We would also like to seize the opportunity to inform you on what measures we have taken in response to the reported case of harassment and explain their impact on the MA programme. Please join us and throw your questions at us...

Looking forward to seeing you,
Veit Arlt and Cassandra Mark-Thiesen (for the UK African Studies)

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