
05 May 2022 - 03 Jul 2022

E-Werk Freiburg

Galerie der Gegenwartskunst

Exhibition / Opening

Radical Encounters: Afropean Perspectives

Galerie der Gegenwartskunst, E-Werk Freiburg i. Br.


In his book Afropean, Johny Pitts describes the stories of black Europeans as he travels through Europe. Driven to assert his own plurality, he encounters positive lived interactions between African and European cultures in the streets of European cities. His journey is a search for moments of the Afro-European in which being black participates in the shaping of a universal European identity.

This Afro-European journey requires the reappraisal, documentation, and dissemination of the long-ignored history of black Europeans. Pitts, like James Baldwin, believes that reconciliation with the truth is the best path for every human being, regardless of ethnicity, in keeping with Frantz Fanon’s belief that „subjugation is as harmful to the spirit of the subjugated as it is to the spirit of the subjugated."

The exhibition Radical Encounters, Perspectives of the Afro-African addresses the urgent questions of a common Afro-African way through an examination of the films, photographs, installations of John Akomfrah, Mohamed Bourouissa, Johny Pitts, and a performance by Jasmine Tutum. For all of these artists, Fanon’s notion that each generation has its obligation to create a common future is important.

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