Kunstmuseum Basel
Rizvana Bradley: Aesthetics, Raciality, and Dispossession (online)
Online lecture followed by live Q&A
With: Rizvana Bradley (History of Art and African-American Studies, Yale)
Moderation: Dominique Grisard (The Art of Intervention, Gender Studies, Basel)
This talk addresses racialized embodiment and embodied life in relation to the interlocking questions of violence, surplus, and representation that subtend globalized flows of capital. If, as Paula Chakravartty and Denise Ferreira da Silva suggest, the logic of global financial capital hinges upon an irreducible raciality, how might we think about the minor aesthetic practices generated by "aberrant economic subjects" who at once bear the conditions of possibility for, intransigent threats to, and deviant enactments of dispossessive accumulation?
Rizvana Bradley is Assistant Professor of the History of Art and African-American Studies at Yale. Her forthcoming book project is a recipient of a Creative Capital | Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant, and offers a critical examination of the black body across a range of experimental artistic practices that integrate film and other media. Bradley guest edited a special issue of the journal Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, and has published articles in TDR: The Drama Review, Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture, Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, Black Camera: An International Film Journal, and Film Quarterly. She was a Helena Rubinstein Critical Studies Fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.
Dominique Grisard a historian by training, teaches Gender Studies at the University of Basel and directs the Swiss Center for Social Research. Currently she is finishing a monograph on the color pink. Together with Andrea Zimmermann she created the event-platform “The Art of Intervention”.
Eine Kooperation des Swiss Center for Social Research, des Zentrums Gender Studies und der Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) der Universität Basel sowie des Kunstmuseums
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