
18 Apr 2018
09:00  - 12:00

Wolfson Pavilion Lecture Theatre, University of Cape Town

UCT & Swiss TPH

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Seminar of SA/Swiss Bilateral Research Chair in Global Environmental Health: current research results


1. Introduction: Prof. Aqiel Dalvie (SA Chair)

2. Project presentations (30 min each)

  • Ambient air pollution and childhood asthma in adolescents from the western cape province (Toyib Olaniyan, Kees de Hoogh)
  • Reproductive and neurobehavioral effects due to pesticide exposure in the rural Western Cape (Wisdom Baseera, Shala Mhlanga, Samuel Fuhrimann)
  • Water and sanitation and childhood diarrhoea in informal settlements in Cape Town (Aqiel Dalvie, Samuel Fuhrimann)

3. Closure: Prof. Martin Röösli (Swiss Chair)

4. Light lunch

Please register via:

Venue: Wolfson Pavilion Lecture Theatre, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Cape Town
Date: 18 April 2018
Time: 9 – 12 am

For questions please contact Sharon Ferguson: or 02140666719

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