
27 Sep 2018

RANK, Ausstellungsraum Klingental, im RANK, Kasernenstrasse 34, 4058 Basel

Kaserne Basel

Public event

Series of encounters: Upfront (curated by Kadiatou Diallo (Basel/Cape Town))

Part of the Kaserne Globâle series of events

How are the finished productions that we get to see on stage actually created? Where do the ideas and inspiration come from? How do artistic collaborations really work? What does extensive research, which is normally hidden from the audience's view, actually entail? Upfront invites you to come along and discover some answers to these questions together. In the Rank project room, artists and audience encounter each other on an equal footing. Instead of simply explaining, the artists show and share - not finished works but processes, ideas and questions.

Thu 27.9. 7pm, Salma Said (Cairo)
Salma Said takes us on a journey through a living archive - from revolution and revolutionaries, from Cairo - and thus allows us to redefine images.

Thu 27.9. 7:30pm, Boyzie Cekwana & Danya Hammoud (Jo’burg/Beirut)
Boyzie Cekwana and Danya Hammoud recap the stations, the sources and the questions that led to their initial collaboration.

Sat 29.9. 5pm, Stacy Hardy, Laila Soliman, Nancy Mounir, Neo Muyanga (Cape Town/Cairo)
The creators of the Museum of Lungs - Stacy Hardy, Laila Soliman, Nancy Mounir and Neo Muyanga - explore love: love and illness, love as illness, love that infects, love that is displayed in various forms.

Thu 4.10. 7pm, Jolie Ngemi (Aclens/Kinshasa)
Jolie Ngemi uses dance and movement to constantly search for "proximité", closeness, where the boundaries between artists and audience are broken down, where the work of art cannot exist without the viewer.

Sat 6.10. 5pm, Miriam Coretta Schulte (Basel/Frankfurt)
After returning from her stay in Egypt, Miriam Coretta Schulte reflects on learning Arabic and the inner power of attraction and repulsion that exist when dealing with new systems.

Tickets Free entry!
Language German/English
Duration ca. 30 minutes

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