
29 Sep 2018

Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel

Kaserne Basel

Public event

Short Pieces/dance: Identity n’a ngai - Jolie Ngemi (Aclens/Kinshasa)

The performance is part of Kaserne Globâle

An open letter, a tale. Jolie Ngemi uses movement and sound to express emotions, together with a swarm of minute lights. In her solo performance, identity is revealed as an expression, as a trace, as a passport or as an agreement, as a coincidence, as the perpetuity of visual images and movement. Ngemi confronts the codes of contemporary dance with popular Congolese dances. She dances in dynamic interaction with the music of Yann Leguay, who generates his new sounds live from recordings made in the streets of Kinshasa after dark.

Additional performance: 30.9, 17.00/Upfront 4.10, 19.00

Tickets CHF 15.-
Combined ticket 
Identity n'a ngai & Damaszener Café & Mimesia CHF 25.- (reservation only)
Presale or reservation via phone 0041 61 666 60 00
Language no language
ca. 30 minutes

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