
24 Jun 2019 - 28 Jun 2019

University of Basel

Continuing Education

Summer School: Afghanistan - A chessboard of war and peace

Postgraduate course offered by swisspeace

Peacebuilding and conflict resolution in the context of a new great game

How can peace and conflict studies contribute to understanding the conflict dynamics in Afghanistan? And how can insights from Afghanistan advance academic research? Afghanistan showcases the potentials and challenges of peace and conflict studies. Eighteen years after Operation Enduring Freedom began, Afghanistan’s path to peace is yet to be defined.

swisspeace’s summer school provides an overview of current academic and policy debates on conflict resolution, peacebuilding and state building and critically reflects on their relevance for the Afghan context. Following an introduction to peace and conflict theories and the architecture of international peacebuilding, participants will analyze the Afghan context and reflect on scenarios for future developments.

What are the main developments in Afghanistan in the past decades of violence and war? Who are the key actors and what are the main drivers of conflict? How can the root causes of the conflict be addressed and what is the role of external actors in this process? Participants will focus on specific topics relevant to the Afghan context including the international peacebuilding and development architecture, state formation, local governance, peace mediation and civil society.

Further information:summer school swisspeace

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