
08 May 2019 - 10 May 2019

University of Basel

Continuing Education, Other events

swisspeace course: Preventing Violent Conflicts

Continued education module offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel

Despite increased international pressure and action to prevent violent conflicts and mass atrocities after the shocks of Rwanda and Srebrenica in the 1990s, the number of armed conflicts has increased in recent years. Whilst the wars in Syria, South Sudan or Ukraine differ with respect to the actors, driving factors and dynamics, they all raise the question of how violence and its escalation could have been prevented. The renewed attention to conflict prevention thus comes as no surprise, not only to prevent human suffering but also in light of cost-benefit-calculations: investing in prevention is more sensible than post-conflict reconstruction. This course provides insights into the concept of conflict prevention and explores how it relates to issues such as the prevention of violent extremism and mass atrocities. Based on lessons learnt and best practices, it examines practical tools such as early warning and early response as well as methods for applying conflict prevention in your work context.

In this course participants will:

  • understand the notion of conflict prevention.
  • explore the potential and practical application of conflict prevention methods such as early warning and early response or conflict sensitivity in different contexts.
  • draw lessons from other contexts and disciplines for your work.
  • exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.

Further information:swisspeace course "Preventing Violent Conflicts"

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