
06 Nov 2019 - 08 Nov 2019

University of Basel

Continuing Education

swisspeace: Religion & Conflict Transformation Course

Continued education module offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel

What is the significance of religion in conflicts around the world and how has it evolved? What can we learn from the contexts of Northern Ireland and Iraq? Apply for the Religion & Conflict Transformation Course and gain a better understanding of the linkage between religion and conflicts.

Religion continues to play a key role in conflicts,such as the ones in Northern Ireland, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mali, or Myanmar. Participants of the Religion & Conflict Transformation Course gain practical knowledge on methods and tools of conflict transformation focusing on conflicts with a religious dimension as well as on the roles of different actors in these contexts. With Northern Ireland and Iraq, two case studies will be discussed & analyzed in-depth.

In this course participants will:

  • investigate conflicts with a religious component
  • analyze the case studies from Iraq and Northern Ireland in depth and apply your knowledge to these contexts
  • become part of a network that deals critically with questions about religions, peace and conflict
  • exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice

Further information:swisspeace course "Religion & Conflict Transformation"

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