
18 May 2024
09:30  - 12:00

Online via Zoom

University of Bayreuth & Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

Congress / Conference / Symposium

Online conference: "Connectivity and contestation - Africa in a networked world"

University of Bayreuth & Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

Digital technologies have transformed and diversified the repertoires of contestation on the African continent. Today, the mobilization of people and resources, information and ideologies happens at the intersection of online and offline spaces. Social media and Internet-based technologies are used in such myriad ways — from warfare to information leaks and anti-government contestation to state propaganda — that a more nuanced and less normative approach is necessary to get a grasp of the intricate and ever-evolving relationships between power, technology and contestation on the African continent and beyond.

Participation in the conference is free of charge. To receive access to the conference (Zoom link) please register until 18 may 2024:

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