Kaserne Basel, Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4058 Basel
Kaserne Basel
Theater: "Vielleicht"

The German dream of being an important colonial power is reflected in street names in the "African Quarter" in Berlin's Wedding district. For decades, people fought to have them named after African resistance fighters. Supported by Basel and Berlin activists, Geneva theatre-maker Cedric Djedje, together with his co-performer Safi Martin Yé, tells of his personal search for traces, but also of clubbing, discrimination and online dating. A critical portrait of the city through the lens of an outsider between political documentary theatre and humorous autofiction.
For the Basel version, a local activist will present their anti-racist work and initiative during the performances. A large part of the ticket proceeds will benefit this initiative.
Public talk after the performance on 14 March.
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