
07 Jun 2022 - 10 Jun 2022

Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg im Breisgau

Centre for Transregional Research (ACT)

Congress / Conference / Symposium

VAD conference: "Africa and Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives"

Conference of the Association for African Studies in Germany e.V. (VAD)

The VAD conference 2022 in Freiburg will focus on the theme “Africa and Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives” and will address processes of co-production of knowledge as well as the mutual questioning of different ways of thinking. Political and epistemological entanglements will be explored and unusual perspectives will also be opened up. This should unlock new forms of collaboration and further develop existing ones. Experiences with collaborative research and its challenges should lead to analyses which also take into account questions of persistent exclusion and the lack of representativeness in teaching and research in both Africa-related studies and “European Studies”. The conference is hosted by the newly founded Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.

ZASB at the VAD conference

Members of the Research Network Africa will convene a roundtable and several panels. In addition, the ZASB invites all conference participants to a reception and concert in the evening of the first conference day.

Social and cultural programme hosted by the ZASB

On 8 June 2022 at the end of the afternoon program (6pm), the ZASB offers all conference participants opportunity to meet and greet over a drink at the conference venue (KGI, Prometheus hall next to the publishers’ exhibition). Later in the evening, at 8pm, we invite participants for a Jazz night with Kesivan Naidoo and the Swiss Jazz Orchestra – a unique experience and premiere. The Swiss Jazz Orchestra presents the compositions of acclaimed South African drummer Kesivan Naidoo, the SJO will also feature Linda Sikhakhane (saxophone, Johannesburg) and Lee Thompson (trumpet, Johannesburg). After the big band Naidoo, Sikhakhane and Thompson will team up with pianist Jason Reolon (Cape Town) and bass player Christoph Utzinger (Bern) for an additional set of South African jazz tunes.

Roundtable convened by the “Reversing the Gaze” project
Panels convened by ZASB members

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