Centre for Geopolitics
Virtual Panel Discussion: The Legacy of the Rwandan Genocide for preventing Mass Atrocities
The Legacy of the Rwandan Genocide for preventing Mass Atrocities
In 1994 the international community watched helplessly as the most intensive slaughter of the twentieth century took place in Rwanda. The experience of the Rwandan Genocide inspired an intensification of efforts to improve international and regional capacities to protect vulnerable populations and ensure increased accountability for perpetrators. Despite notable advances, the same failures of political will, conflicted interests, and inaction continue to fail victims of atrocities. This panel discussion will look at how the memory of the Rwandan Genocide continues to shape the atrocity prevention agenda today, and what more needs to be done to truly deliver on the promise of ‘never again’.
The panel consists of:
Devon Curtis, University Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge
Liberata Mulamula, Visiting Scholar and Associate Director at the Elliott School of International Affairs’ Institute for African Studies, George Washington University. Former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tanzania and former Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States and Mexico. She also served as the first Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)
Tom Peak, (Moderator), Research Associate, Centre for Geopolitics
Where? This is a virtual panel, held on Zoom
When? Wednesday 1 July 2020: 18.00 - 19.00 (UK time)
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