
20 Mar 2024
18:15  - 19:45


Mission 21

Public event

Webinar: "Between racism and respect: What do colonialism and mission have to do with racism?"

Mission-Colonialism Revisited, Mission 21

Webinar "Between racism and respect"

How did missionaries engage with foreign cultures and people in the 19th century? The portrayals of non-European societies in historical missionary publications provide illuminating answers to this question. German scholar Tevodai Mambai examined German-language travel and missionary reports about mountain dwellers in northern Cameroon and north-eastern Nigeria. And Marilyn Umurungi, art and cultural practitioner, analyzes how such descriptions of that time still shape our view of Black people today. In this webinar series, the two researchers are brought into conversation.

Talks and discussion in German with simultaneous translation into English.

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