Mehrzweckraum 035, Kollegienhaus, Petersgraben 50, 4051 Basel
Patricia Noormahomed: "Whose ‘shared’ heritage? Counter-narratives through the modern housing of Mozambique"

In her presentation, Patricia Noormahomed will explore how in current heritage practices and policies, there is a prevailing hegemonic discourse that privileges Western standards by focusing on the artistic and the historical, the monumental and the tangible – what Laurajane Smith (2006) calls an “Authorized Heritage Discourse.” Against this background, she will discuss counter-narratives through the example of modern housing in Mozambique; a legacy that is often described as “shared heritage” because of its colonial genealogy. Through this legacy, the presentation will interrogate the limits of the heritage values that underpin the AHD and will foreground new values as well as accounts based on the socio-cultural background of Mozambique and the everyday experiences of its inhabitants.
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