
17 Apr 2023
13:00  - 17:00

21 Rheinsprung, room 00.002/Online via Zoom



Workshop: "Is Methodology the Only Way?"

Workshop in the framework of the research project "Reversing the Gaze" with Rose Marie Beck, Elísio Macamo, Michael Aeby and Patrício Langa

The purpose of this half-day workshop is to explore the merits of focusing the discussion of theoretical and conceptual issues in the social sciences and humanities on the kinds of methodological challenges it implies. The discomfort felt by scholars from the Rest of the World – or those who engage in non-European regions from critical perspectives – towards the pursuit of knowledge in academia has led to the emergence and consolidation of perspectives questioning the ideological nature of science. Often, it is not clear whether such critical perspectives imply a rejection of science, or simply a plea for the consideration of other ways of grounding it.

While these perspectives have represented refreshing new ways of approaching knowledge, much of their persuasive power has rested on their appeal to ideology. Ambiguous notions such as “racism” or “colonial” both bring structural issues to light while at the same time, they invite us to relate in a normative way with whatever might be at stake. The challenge here is to ascertain the extent to which it would be reasonable to argue that there are criteria lying beyond values and norms which would enable researchers to claim validity to their statements. Put simply, is “racism” what makes a particular claim invalid, or the quality of the reasoning behind the statements?

The workshop will provide a platform for discussing the potential for shifting the debate away from epistemological issues – the nature of knowledge – to methodological issues, i.e. the validation of claims.

Keynote: Prof. Rose Marie Beck – The language of methodology

Short inputs:

  • Elísio Macamo – The methods of methodology;
  • Michael Aeby – The context of method;
  • Patrício Langa – The frontiers of methods.

Discussion with inputs from doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Online participation via Zoom is possible.

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