
08 Nov 2022 - 09 Nov 2022
12:00  - 17:00

Forum eikones | Rheinsprung 11 | 4051 Basel

eikones: Center for the Theory and History of the Image


Workshop: "Masks and Faces"

Workshop organized by Lior Levy, NOMIS Fellow and eikones, University of Basel

In the past three years, masks – and the faces that they cover, protect, or hide – have become a matter of constant debate. A symbol of the oppressive force of state control, for some, and solidarity and social responsibility for others, the act of covering up the human face became the locus of ethical and political disputes. Taking the immediate present as a starting point, this two-day workshop turns to the visual, cultural, and philosophical histories in which masks and faces are imbricated, questioning the processes by which they gain meaning as standards for personhood and their power in shaping human interactions.

Paula Barreiro Lopez
Jenny Chamarette
Abigail Nieves Delgado
Massimo Leone
Lior Levy
Liesbeth Schoonheim
Anna Skarpelis
Tom Stern
Fenneke Sysling
Eva-Maria Troelenberg

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