
12 May 2023


Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE)


Workshop: "Our Common Challenge: Moving Beyond Inaction and Irrelevance"

Part of an online workshop series in relation to the annual conference "Decolonizing Swiss Research Collaborations" by KFPE

Developed by the Code A program in collaboration with UNESCO BRIDGES and the environmental humanists of SAGUF (SCNAT), this workshop will present the agenda and methodology about a new geography in the production of knowledge.
Dominated by elite universities in Switzerland, Europe, and the United States, the current structure of knowledge production has led to monocultures of the mind. Some sixty years after decolonization, academics have started to consider including regionally grounded perspectives. The common objective is to contribute to a plurality of knowledge on collapse, resilience, innovation, and recovery, but how? It feels as the limits of what can be achieved through sustained conversations between the Global South and the Global North are reached. The venues and platforms are located in institutions that are poorly equipped to recognize knowledge produced from a plurality of locations and standpoints. At Code A, the aim is to work toward decolonized knowledge in practices and curricula, and apply participation, inclusion, co-design, empowerment, and embodiment principles. It goes beyond the mapping of existing diversity, and does not seek to produce a standard global curriculum because each cultural context matters. A unifying framework that is more diversified is designed, inclusive, and relevant to 85% of human population. Based on the Decision Theater concept, and informed by ten years of practices in decision-making with partners from South and Central Asia, these processes will facilitate the transition from knowledge to action, and from innovation to sustainability.
This program overcomes the North/South dichotomy by fostering epistemic plurality, and the complexities of locations and locutions in the global landscape of knowledge production are considered. "Helvetocentrism" through calls for "local" or "Indigenous" knowledge are rectified, and is is learned from collective pedagogies that focus primarily on values and implementation by the communities we serve.

Organised by Philippe ForĂȘt

Register now for the workshop to participate and receive the Zoom-Link.

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