/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD
2 PhD Fellows (100%) for Swisspeace Mediation Program
Graduate School Social Sciences, University of Basel
The successful candidates will join the Mediation Program and complete a PhD at the University of Basel as part of the Swiss National Science Foundation project “International Peacemaking in Pursuit of a ‘Good Peace’: Integration or Separation?” coordinated by Professor Laurent Goetschel and Dr. Dana Landau.
The research project asks what international peacemakers believe to be a “good peace” and explores how this normative dimension of peacemaking impacts peace processes. It focuses on different approaches to managing diversity after conflict, studying arrangements for inter-group relations in a number of peace processes. This includes questions of population displacement and return, power-sharing, political boundarymaking, or institutional and legal recognition of diversity. The project seeks to advance theoretical and empirical insights into the dynamics of peacemaking and will employ qualitative research methods.
The swisspeace Mediation Program supports ongoing mediation, negotiation, and dialogue processes and conducts mediation-related research projects. It provides training and coaching for mediators, diplomats, UN staff, peacebuilding practitioners, and representatives of conflict parties, and brings together stakeholders in peace processes by creating opportunities for dialogue. It cooperates closely with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the EU, the UN, and partner organizations across the world.
Starting date: 1 January 2021 (or by agreement)