Job: Research Assistant "Benin Digital"

Stiftung Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg

As part of the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung-funded project Digital Benin. Bringing Together the Royal Cultural Treasures, the MARKK opened an international project office to digitally bring together the cultural treasures from the former Kingdom of Benin that have been scattered around the world. As an unprecedented knowledge forum, Digital Benin will bundle object data and related documentary material from collections worldwide, thus providing the long-requested overview of the court artworks looted in the 19th century. The goal is to create a well-founded and sustainable catalog of holdings on the history, cultural significance and provenance of the works. The launch of the website is planned for the end of 2022.

The research assistant will support the existing team, starting 1 October 2021 (one year contract). Applications will be accepted until 2 August 2021 via mail to Ms. Lapidus, Rothebaunchaussee 64, 20148 Hamburg or by email at