/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD
Job: PhD Candidate in Demography with Focus on Uganda and Kenya
Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
The Graduate Institute (IHEID, Geneva) will be leading together with the Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics at the University of Geneva (https://www.unige.ch/sciences-societe/ideso/) and the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (Ined, Aubervilliers), the research project The Remaking of the Family in East Africa (FamilEA), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2027. Project FamilEA will apply an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the dynamics of family transformation in East Africa, with special focus on Uganda and Kenya.
Application deadline: 31 March 2023