Job: PhD Opportunity in African Sports History
Penn University
The Department of Kinesiology is seeking an exceptional student with interest to undertake interdisciplinary research on African sport history. The position is currently open for a student beginning in August 2018, although later start dates are possible.
The research will draw on literature at the intersection of African studies and sport history. The specifics of the research design will be developed by the student but could involve work with faculty from the African Studies program as well as the Kinesiology Department. The chair of the student’s committee will be Dr. Michelle Sikes. There are extensive opportunities for collaborations on campus with different departments and research centers such as:
a) The Center for the Study of Sports in Society
b) The African Feminist Initiative
c) The Center for Global Studies
d) The Rock Ethics Institute
The Department of Kinesiology is a vibrant department within the College of Health and Human Development. Our graduate program is currently ranked #1 by the National Research Council and #3 by the National Academy of Kinesiology. Academics in the Department embrace a broad conception of all aspects of the fields they teach and research. They collaborate across the College and beyond, which demonstrates their belief and commitment to interdisciplinary understandings.
- Ideal candidates will have a Master’s degree (preferred) or undergraduate degree and should be able to demonstrate academic proficiency. Research experience is a substantial asset.
- Remuneration involves a tuition waver and graduate assistantship stipend (i.e., 10hrs/week teaching duties; 10hrs/week research duties). Additional faculty-funded support for research may become available, and Dr. Sikes encourages students to pursue independent and competitive sources of funding.
This opportunity is for either
(a) a Doctoral program for students who are completing (or possess) a Master’s degree, or
(b) a Direct-entry PhD degree for those with only undergraduate education [This option entails a 2 year Master’s degree-only option].
Interested students should please get in touch with Dr. Sikes personally with an e-mail including a brief statement of interest (i.e., projects of interest, goals for pursuing graduate school). After doing so, students who are still interested may prepare a formal application with Dr. Sikes
Further information on how to apply:PhD position-application