/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD
Job: Research Associate in African Cultural Studies
Faculty of Arts, University of Bristol
The University of Bristol seeks to appoint one Research Associate each in African Cultural Studies (Cameroon), African Cultural Studies (Bénin) and African Cultural Studies (Côte d'Ivoire) for a period of 36 months (February 2023 to February 2026). The postdoctoral researcher will work as part of the team on a European Research Commission (ERC)-funded project, ‘AFRIUNI. Creative Lives of African Universities’. The project explores the representations and lived experiences of university life in four multilingual, historically francophone, cities: Abidjan, Abomey-Calavi, Dakar and Yaoundé.
Responsibilities will include field-based and desk research, participation in team meetings, contributing to ongoing ethics reporting, organising field-based workshops, and contributing to project outputs. The postholder will have a full-time post conducting the research, working independently but under the supervision of the principal investigator, and with access to training and resources at the University of Bristol.
Deadline: 30 October 2022