/ Doctorate/PhD, Research

Start-up Grant of the Doctoral Program Literary Studies

University of Basel

The Doctoral Program Literary Studies of the University of Basel calls for applications for three one-year start-up grants of CHF 30,000 each (duration: 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020, in two installments, with evaluation), starting 1 April 2019. These grants are designed to make a contribution to the successful applicants’ cost of living while they develop a PhD project in the area of literary studies. We particularly encourage projects that intersect with the thematic foci (“Basis- und Profilbereiche”) of the Doctoral Program. Furthermore, we strongly encourage all applicants to contact potential supervisors at the University of Basel before submitting their application.

Your tasks
The aim of the start-up grants is to enable young researchers to develop a competitive application for a research grant or research project position and submit it to a funding institution by the end of the first six months. If successful, researchers will continue to work on their PhD thesis supported by third-party funds by the end of the start-up period.

Your profile
A high level of motivation is expected, with the ability to carry out a research project independently over the course of several years as an active member of the Doctoral Program Literary Studies and to contribute to academic debates both within and outside the Doctoral Program Literary Studies. The grants are intended for graduates who hold a Master’s degree or an equivalent qualification in one or several philologies, and who are interested in carrying out research within the fields of study represented in the Doctoral Program LiteraryStudies: https://dslw.philhist.unibas.ch/de/forschungsprofil/

Application / Contact
Deadline for applications: 9 December 2018