/ Research, Doctorate/PhD
Stipend: SNIS IO Stipend open for submissions
Swiss Network for International Studies (Geneva)
The stipend is aimed at second-year PhD scholars working in the broad domain of international studies. Awarded candidates receive a monthly stipend of CHF 1500.- and the opportunity to work at SNIS headquarters in proximity to all the Geneva based International Organisations.
You can find the full list of eligibility criteria and information on the submission procedure on the SNIS IO stipend website. The most important eligibility criteria define that candidates must be:
- Second-year PhD students
- No older than 30 y/o
- Registered PhD students at a Swiss institution of higher education
- Work on a topic in the domain of International Studies
- Not be members of an ongoing SNIS-funded project
The deadline for submission is 19th June 2020 and the results will be communicated by end June 2020.
The SNIS adopts an inclusive understanding of international studies. Therefore, research in international studies concerns issues that are pluri-disciplinary, relevant to the international agenda, and for which international cooperation is required to produce policy-relevant outputs.