Job portal

Listed below are posts that might be of interest to the African Studies community advertised by our partner institutions or other organizations. Please refer to the contacts and websites indicated in the announcements for further information.

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Job: Postdoctoral Researcher 100 %, Department of History

Department of History, University of Zurich (Switzerland)

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Start-up Grants: History, Social Sciences and Literary Studies

University of Basel

/ Other

Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in für Provenienzforschung (m/w/d)

Deutsches Ledermuseum in Offenbach am Main

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Job: Research Assistant / PhD Candidate in Urban Studies (m/f/d)

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of St.Gallen

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Doctoral Researcher Position: "Diverse older populations, voice and planning age-friendly environments"

University of Applied Sciences and the Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Switzerland/University of Galway, Ireland

/ Studies

Job: Praktikant*in Gender Focal Point (40-50% oder 80-100%)

Mission 21, Basel

/ Studies

Job: Mitarbeiter*in Datamanagement IZA, 20-40%

Mission 21, Basel

/ Studies

Job: Projektkoordination am Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT)

Afrika-Zentrum (ACT) der Universität Freiburg im Breisgau

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Job: Post-Doc Position, African Studies or Related Fields (Emphasis on Space and Mobility)

Centre of International Studies (CEI), University of Lisbon (Portugal)

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Job: Post-Doc Position, African Studies or Related Fields (Emphasis on Visual / Graphic Anthropology and Art)

Centre of International Studies (CEI), University of Lisbon (Portugal)