/ Research
Call for papers: "Africa on the rise: new power dynamics in a changing world"
Observatory for the Analysis of International Systems (OASIS) No. 43 (January-June 2026)
The Observatory for the Analysis of International Systems (OASIS), an indexed and peer-reviewed journal, is presently soliciting contributions for its first issue of 2026 (OASIS No. 43). The theme for this issue will be: “Africa on the rise: new power dynamics in a changing world”.
The African continent has undergone major transformations over the past few decades. The historical dynamics of neocolonialism and dependence on the West, although still present, have begun to give way to a more autonomous, organised and relevant Africa in the international system. Despite the difficulties, however, that still persist, Africa has managed to considerably increase its international agency and repositioned itself to take advantage of the global power shifts that are being driven by the Global South.
This edition of the Journal OASIS is, therefore, intended to analyse the role that Africa plays today in global power dynamics, the spaces in which it has gained prominence and the difficulties it still faces in consolidating itself as a central player in the current international system.
Some suggested themes for this edition include:
- The African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities (REC) in the international projection of Africa in the international system;
- The African Union in the G20;
- The emergence and consolidation of regional powers in Africa and their international relations;
- Africa as an actor within the Global South;
- Africa and the cooperation forums with extracontinental countries (China, Russia, Brazil, India, Turkey, European Union, United States, etc.);
- Problems and difficulties for the international projection of Africa;
- Factors that contribute to the increase of the international agency of Africa;
- Africa in the United Nations;
- Africa as a relevant actor within the dynamics of South-South cooperation.
Submission deadline: 14 April 2025