Eigene News

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/ Info

In the media: "El español en África en pasado, presente y futuro"

In an interview in the radio program “África hoy” on Radio Exterior de España, Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr talks about the international conference "El español en África en pasado, presente y futuro", which took place at the University of…
cover picture of the SSAS newsletter

/ Research

Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies

Twice per year, the Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SSAS) reports on its members' activities and publications, and announces upcoming events. The current newsletter includes reports on the Hans W. Debrunner Symposium,…
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/ Research

Publication: "Burden of chronic pain among adult pastoralists in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional household survey"

An article co-auhtored by Piet van Eeuwijk and Jakob Zinsstag provides insights into the burden of chronic pain among Somali pastoralists and reveals associated risk factors. The results of the study support the planning of locally adapted…
Picture of a puppet house guest room

Wanted: Hosts for participants of the Third European Students' Conference on African Studies

On 29 and 30 August more than 40 Masters' students from all over Europe will gather at the Centre for African Studies. We call on the community to contribute to the success of this students' project by hosting one or more participants.
[Translate to English:] cover photo of the ZASB annual report 2023

/ Info

ZASB - Research Network Africa: Annual Report 2023

Our annual report bears witness to the many and varied collaborations and activities of the ZASB – Research Network Africa members, which have contributed to the development, strengthening and visibility of Africa-related research and…

/ Research, Studies

In the media: "Sierra Leone’s bushmeat markets pose serious health hazards – we studied two for six months to find solutions"

An article on "The Conversation" co-authored by Wahab Lawundeh reports on research into the conditions and practices in bushmeat markets in Sierra Leone and draws lessons for strategies for reducing zoonotic disease risks in similar…
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/ Research

Publication: "Building Trust, Situating Repair: An Ecology of Action in a South African Nature Reserve"

Structured around an encounter between white commercial farmers, scientists and government and NGO experts working in a South African nature reserve, James Merron's book analyzes the negotiation between different orientations to ecological…

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In the media: "In South Africa, right-wing white populists do politics but not the elections"

In an interview with swissinfo.ch, Danelle van Zyl-Hermann talks about right-wing populism in South Africa and the extra-parliamentary strategy of the Solidarity Movement.
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Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 194: "Mode – Kreativität mit Zukunft"

In der post-agrarischen Bevölkerung des subsaharischen Afrikas hat die Mode in den letzten Jahren eine Wende vollzogen von der Nachahmung europäischer Förmlichkeiten hin zu einem internationalen Hype von Extravaganz und nachhaltigem Einsatz…
Nobuhle Ashanti

Aritst in residence: Nobuhle Ashanti (Cape Town)

Pianist, arranger, and composer Nobuhle Ashanti is on a one-month's research residency at the Musikwohnhaus Basel supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.