Eigene News

/ Info
In the media: "Das schwierige Erbe von Angolas Ex-Präsident"
In the news program "Echo der Zeit" on Radio SRF, Jon Schubert comments on former Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos' rule of almost 40 years and on the situation in Angola after his death.
/ Research
Kommentar: "Francia Márquez – Kolumbiens erste schwarze Vizepräsidentin ist die Stimme der 'Niemande'"
In ihrem Beitrag im Online-Magazin Geschichte der Gegenwart kommentieren Silke Oldenburg und Melanie Sampayo die Wahl von Francia Marquez zur Vizepräsidentin der ersten linken Regierung in Kolumbien.
/ Studies
We are looking for a student assistant for the ZASB executive office
Per 1 September 2022 (or as agreed), the ZASB hires a student assistant (6hrs per week).
/ Research
Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies
Twice per year, the Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SSAS) reports on its members' activities and publications, and announces upcoming events.
/ Info
Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 186: Was geschieht in Äthiopien?
Sich im Wirrwarr von Propaganda und Interessen geleiteter Berichterstattung ein Bild über die Hintergründe des äthiopischen Bürgerkriegs zu verschaffen, war für das Redaktionsteam nicht leicht. Das vorliegende Bulletin will einen Beitrag…
/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD
Call: 9th Namibia Research Day
Basler Afrika Bibliographien and ZASB, together with the University of Namibia, invite students and scholars working on Namibia to participate in the 9th Namibia Research Day (1 October 2022). Interested participants are kindly invited to…
/ Research
Publication: "Unpacking race and ethnicity in African genomics research"
In genomics, both the denomination ‘African’ as well at the ethnic groups living in Africa have been treated as true biological identities. Yet, similar to race, these population groupings too are social constructs. In their comment,…
/ Research
Blog post: "Ethnographic research with TikTok"
On the University of Basel's Uni Blog, ethnologist Lesley Nicole Braun explains what insights into distant realities of life she and her master's students Anna Vollmers Mateus and Xiao Meng have gained from TikTok videos and conversations…
/ Research
ZASB - Research Network Africa: Annual Report 2021
Our annual report provides an overview of the network members’ activities and achievements in research, teaching and transfer.