Eigene News

/ Other
Blog post: Performing in public space at the time of identity claims and political resistances
Lesley Nicole Braun provides a fascinating insight into Michèle Magema's artistic practice. The blog post is based on Magema's lecture as part of the lecture series "The Art of Intervention" in Basel in 2018.
/ Other
"In our own words": Online lecture series on Africa’s contribution to scholarship
The Pilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA) in Bamako encourages young African scholars to engage with epistemological issues and with the contribution of knowledge acquired in Africa to the further development of science in general. In a…
/ Research
Publication: Window of the World: Sino–African Encounters through Copies and Simulations
Based on interviews with Kenyan and South African contract workers at a Chinese theme park that features miniature copies of heritage sites from around the world, Lesley Nicole Braun explores ways in which culture is constructed and…
/ Doctorate/PhD, People
In the media: Fehlt uns eine gemeinsame Welt?
Sindi-Leigh McBride with a guest article in WoZ (20 May 2021)
/ News
Call for participation: ZASB Reflection, Practices and Ethics Day
The ZASB will hold its first Reflection, Practices and Ethics Day on 9 September 2021 and invites all members of the ZASB network, together with their international partners and partner organisations, to participate actively with a…
/ Info
New BAB online platform: “Mapping Projects and Collaborations”
The Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) expanded their website. A new platform allows for a time and space travel through the BAB's institutional history. It offers information about a selection of partners, collaborations, projects and…
/ Research
Publication: Privileged Precariat. White Workers and South Africa's Long Transition to Majority Rule
The South African apartheid state’s ethnic and race-based politics pushed an image of whites as classless. Danelle van Zyl-Hermann's book challenges this view. It focuses on the experience of the white industrial workforce and their unique…
/ Research
Publication: Social meaning and material constraints of land scarcity in Northern Namibia
Land access, land distribution and security of tenure are major topics in Namibia, as in many other African countries. In north-central Namibia land is often described as scarce, by both the socio-political authorities as …
/ Info
Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 182: Klimawandel – Afrika im Auge des Sturms
Das aktuelle Bulletin versucht, einen Überblick über die riesigen Herausforderungen zu geben, welche die Klimaveränderung der Forschung, den Regierungen und der Bevölkerung bietet.