Eigene News

Keenan Ahrends

/ People

Artist in residence: Keenan Ahrends (Johannesburg)

Guitarist Keenan Ahrends is known for his evocative musical writing, his emotive improvisation and his sensitive musicianship.
Testing Deworming Drugs with School Children, Pemba Island in Tansania

/ Research

Improved treatment of tropical worm diseases: ERC Advanced Grant for Jennifer Keiser

Jennifer Keiser, Head of the Helminth Drug Development Unit at Swiss TPH, was awarded a European Research Council Advanced Grant for EUR 2.47 million over five years to conduct research on soil-transmitted helminth infections.

/ Other

Call for support: African Studies Library at the University of Cape Town

After the fire at the University of Cape Town on 18 April 2021, researchers who have worked with the African Studies Library Special Collections are invited to share copies of their records.
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/ Research

Publication: Property killed a peace park dream: The entanglement of property, politics and conservation along the Gariep

In their article, Luregn Lenggenhager and Maano Ramtsindela examine the role of the configuration of property regimes and the power relations embedded in them for the establishment of peace parks in southern Africa.
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/ Research

Publication: Beware the Mineral Narrative: The Histories of Solwezi Town and Kansanshi Mine, North-Western Zambia, c. 1899–2020

In her contribution on Solwezi town and Kansanshi mine in Zambia's Northwestern Province, Rita Kesselring presents an analysis along the nexus of mining, urban development and demography over 120 years.
[Translate to English:] screenshot eine welt

In the media: "Development is the freedom to live a self-determined life"

Elísio Macamo in the SDC magazine One World (issue 01/2021)

/ Research

In the media: La Tanzanie va exploiter le plus grand gisement de nickel au monde

Rita Kesselring in the Le Temps blog "Lignes d'horizon" (26 March 2021)
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/ Research

Elísio Macamo and Ralph Weber on their Sinergia project "Reversing the Gaze"

The Grants Office of the University of Basel spoke to Elísio Macamo and Ralph Weber about their recently funded project, about interdisciplinarity, trends in research funding, and the Corona crisis.
Melchisedek Chetima

Melchisedek Chetima newly appointed associate professor at the University of Montréal

Melchisedek Chetima, a former postdoc fellow at the ZASB, takes on a new professional challenge at the University of Montréal in Québec.

/ Research

New project: Novel Diagnostics to Improve Migrant and Refugee Health

Swiss TPH is launching a new project on the development of an integrated infectious disease diagnosis and surveillance system (NIIDS) to improve migrant and refugee health. NIIDS will assess healthcare needs of migrants and refugees, as…